The International Journal of Humanities and Peace

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IJHP 2005 Cover

IJHP 2004 Cover

IJHP 2004 Table of Contents

IJHP 2003 Cover

IJHP Vol 19, No.1, 2003
Click here for Table of Contents for IJHP 2003, Vol. 19

IJHP 2002 Cover

IJHP Vol 18, No.1, 2002
Click here for Table of Contents for IJHP 2002, Vol. 18

IJHP Vol 18, No.1, 2002
Table of Contents

IJHP Vol 17, No.1, 2001
Table of Contents

Vol. 16, No. 1--2000
Cover Page, Table of Contents and Selected Articles from the issue

Vol. 15, No.1--1999Cover of 15th Anniversary Commemorative Issue

The Tetworld Center for Peace and Global Strategic Gaming
An IJHP Peace Through Development Project

IJHP Editorial Board

Dr. Vasant V. Merchant, Editor-Publisher, phone/fax: (928) 774-4793, 1436 N. Evergreen Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 USA--

visit Dr. Merchant's webpage

Dr. Mark Siegmund, IJHP Associate Editor--Director, Tetworld Center for Peace Through Global Gaming,
link to several articles by Mark Siegmund
An IJHP Peace Through Development Project link to several articles by Mark Siegmund

IJHP Headquarters:

1436 North Evergreen Drive Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 USA

Telephone/Fax: (928) 774-4793

Contributing Editors

Dr. T. M. Srinivasan, Professor and consultant, Bio-Medical Engineering, phone: (480) 858-9238, 3129 S. Orm, Tempe, Arizona 85282 USA

International Advisory Board

Dr. Robert Muller, Former Assistant Secretary General, United Nations; Former Chancellor, United Nations University For Peace, Costa Rica, Central America

Dr. Karan Singh, Author, Former Indian Minister of Education, former Ambassador of India to USA, currently member of the Indian Parliament, New Delhi, India

Avadhuth Kakodkar, former Ambassador of India (to Brazil, Portugal, Mozambique, Finland, Venezuela), Kalpatam, Habitat #208, 321 N. Main Road, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001, India

Dr. Richard Packard, Professor (Emeritus) Center for Excellence in Education, NAU, email:

Pravir Malik, Business Consultant, Founder/President, Auro Soorya, email:

Mr. Chakrapani Ullal, International Business Consultant, 12044 Kearsarge, Los Angeles, California 90049 USA

Dr. Bruce W. Cook, Music Dept., Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, California 94503 USA

Dr. Nelson Haggerson, Professor (Emeritus), ASU, PO Box 24177, Tempe, Arizona 85285 USA

Ernesto Flores Velarde, IJHP Board Member, 511 E San Ysidro Blvd., #8346, San Ysidro, CA 92173

Dr. Harnath Singh, M.D., Kidney care and Hypertension Center, 823 N. Beaver St., Flagstaff, AZ 86001 USA (928) 213-1443

IJHP sincerely thanks all of its subscribers, contributors, donors, patrons, including: Markell Brooks, Hugh H. Harrison, Chakrapani Ullal, Dino and Sukanya Patel, Marty and Linda Wolf, Dr. Nelson Haggerson, Dr. Ron and Linda Hardert, Justice Eugene and Laurie Hays, Jim and Iris Keene, Derrick Doba, Dr. Tom Montfort, D.D.S., Dr. J. Clerk, Dr. and Mrs. Harnath Singh, M.D., Dr. and Mrs. William M. Burke, Nora and David Zwillick, NAU Press. Graphic Assistance: Masuyuki Sato.

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The International Journal of Humanities and Peace

Synergy * Synthesis * Transformation

An Annual

(ISSN: 1042-1032)

2004 marked our 20th year of publication! IJHP 2005, Vol. 21, No. 1-- measures 8.5 by 11 inches--and contains 116 pages...the cover image as shown here is 1/2 the size of the actual cover.


IJHP Vol 22, No.1, 2006
Click above for Table of Contents for IJHP 2006, Vol. 22

IJHP Vol 21, No.1, 2005
Click above for Table of Contents for IJHP 2005, Vol. 21


IJHP Vol 20, No.1, 2004
Click above for Table of Contents for IJHP 2004, Vol. 20

IJHP Vol 19, No.1, 2003
Click above for Table of Contents for IJHP 2003, Vol. 19

Go to the links section at the upper left side of the page to visit examples of previous IJHP Volumes and Covers.



IJHP is an annual, non-profit, educational, voluntary and tax-deductible organization. It is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in Humanities-Education-Peace and a global vision and universal understanding among ethnic and culturally diverse groups, nationally and internationally. It reaches a cross-section of people in education, business, industry, law, medicine, and those interested in Peace, including leaders in politics and administration, Congressmen, Senators, and a number of persons and institutions around the world. IJHP also presents issues and views on current topics from a variety of perspectives, and invites your reviews, articles and short reports on Peace activities, including your research and focus on international and/or cross-cultural issue relating to peace, disarmament, negotiation, economic development, women, children, youth, families, shelter, health, education, environment, impact of social change, synergy, synthesis, transformation and other pertinent topics.

All IJHP staff are volunteers, so every dollar donated goes directly for costs associated with the production, printing and distribution of IJHP. No one receives a salary.

IJHP is copyrighted. No part of it may be reproduced without the express permission of the Editor. Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board, but of the authors themselves. Address all correspondence, articles (typed, double-spaced, one side of paper only, 800-1200 words, or 1500-1800 words, use APA Style for your bibliography/list of citations/references, 3 hard copies) to The Editor, IJHP, 1436 N. Evergreen Drive, Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 USA. IJHP is a refereed Journal.

Also send a copy of the article via email attachment (formatted in Word, ClarisWorks or AppleWorks) to Dr. Mark Siegmund,Associate Editor at: .

Here is an example of the APA style (consult the APA style book as required): Goffman, Erving (1959). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York: Doubleday.


Dear Friends and Colleagues:

Greetings! It is time again to send this invitation inviting articles for the next issue of The International Journal of Humanities and Peace (IJHP), Vol. 23, No. 1, 2007.

The main focus for Vol.23, 2007 is "Ideas for Peace".

IJHP is indexed on the "Uncover" database, the United Nations database, and is indexed on the H.W.Wilson Database, EBSCO --in the Humanities Index.

Your article may consist of 800 or 1,600 or 2,400 words--and submitted as 3 hard copies. You must also send your article via an email (Word or Mac) attachment --a black and white photo (in jpeg or gif format) of yourself (optional) and a short paragraph of your bio-data. Deadline for submission is 15 August 2007.

Also, welcome, are poetry, art, book reviews, etc..

Please send 3 hard copies to me (Vasant Merchant) at: 1436 N. Evergreen Dr., Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 USA-- and a copy by email with attachment :

To: Dr. Mark Siegmund, Assoc.Editor. Email:

Tel/Fax: (928) 774-4793 (please call before faxing) IJHP Headquarters

Please send us your Tel/Fax number, email and physical address.

Authors will receive a free copy of the journal issue containing their article.

May I hear from you?

Thanking you, with kindest regards and best wishes for the New Year.

I remain, Cordially yours,

Vasant V. Merchant, Ph.D., LL.B. Editor


IJHP Annuals: (1991) Environment-Ecology; (1992) Sustainable Development and Sufficiency; (1993-1994) Education for Peace/Peace Education; (1995) Rethinking Peace; (1996) Educational Innovations and Resources; (1997) Peace Through Art/Art Through Peace; (1998) Art, Science and Peace; (1999) Science, Art and Peace; (2000) UN/UNESCO-Year of the Culture of Peace; (2001) Dialogue Among Civilizations: Peace and Development; (2002) Dialogue Continued: Sustainability and Peace; (2003) Peace, Sustainability and Development; (2004) Challenges and Strategies: Peace, Education & Health (Revisited);Making a Difference (2005); Peace is the Only Way (2006).

Annual Membership/Subscription-- Individuals: USA $30, other countries, $40. Libraries and Institutions: USA $40, other countries, $50. Please include your name, address, email and area of specialty (if any). Enclose your check or international money order (in US currency only) to: IJHP, 1436 N. Evergreen Drive, Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 USA. IJHP is voluntary, educational, non-profit and tax-deductible. You may subscribe on-line securely using the Donate Now button below.

All donations and subscriptions welcome!

Email IJHP!
1436 N. Evergreen Dr.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
USA Tel/Fax: (928) 774-4793

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